In 1992, de Blasio was a thirty-something staffer for Mayor Dinkins’ Deputy Mayor William Lynch. All politically appointed Mayoral and City Council staffers obtain their employment through political connections. This practice has been the norm since the founding of NYC. As the public is aware, many of the Mayor’s and City Council staff are related to either other elected officials, wealthy political donors or shady union or party bosses. It appears that de Blasio may owe his career to his cousin John Wilhelm, the ex-union President of the powerful UNITE Union. I don’t think de Blasio would have been able to obtain employment, but for the influence of his cousin.
In 1993, while in college, I watched in shock when Rudy Guiliani won the Mayor’s race, and, thereby, shifting NYC government further to the right. NYC should be a beacon of hope for the world. The City Charter which codifies the way the city is to be governed gives tremendous amount of governing authority to the Mayor in contrast to other cities. The Mayor of NYC can get more done in a day, then the entire NYC Council can get done in a year. That is why it was so painful when Guiliani and then Bloomberg took over NYC government.
In my opinion, de Blasio is just like President Obama. When Obama won the Presidency in 2008, he promised that things would change for the better. He made liberal promises of higher wages, better working conditions and better economic and educational opportunities. However, the opposite has occurred: Obama has done nothing to help the working people in this country. He made liberal promises that the masses craved, but he did not deliver. It is therefore not a surprise that Obama won the marketing campaign of the year for 2008. President Obama is basically Predient Bush with an African-American face. When Obama was first running for the White House he knew that half of all black men in NYC were unemployed. After Obama won the White House twice, half of a working-age-black men are still unemployed in NYC. De Blasio will also never solve black, white or any unemployment issues in NYC because like Obama, de Blasio is a tool of the corporations and the wealthy interests that control this city. Like Obama, de Blasio has a cleverly crafted liberal image. The working class masses in this country hunger for a CHE GUEVARA since the downfall of the American economy. So de Blasio is playing to the needs of the working class voters by claiming to be a Sandinista. Nothing can be further from the truth.
De Blasio’s history demonstrates that he is an instrument of the corporate elite and not a champion of the working class that he claims to be. The most glaring example is as follows: As mentioned above, in 1992, de Blasio was just another City Hall disposable hack. During that era, the economy took a vicious downturn and City Hall was looking to make some major budget cuts. As usual, these cuts came at the expense of the working people in this City. Dinkins, his Deputy Mayors, and their assistants, including de Blasio worked as a team to slash the budget and their main target was NYC Fire Department facilities. This is ironic given the wave of arsons and fires killing poor children across NYC in the late 80’s and early 90’s. At the time, NYC residents resisted these savage cuts to any fire or police facilities in their neighborhoods. When Engine 41 was closed in the South Bronx, the “Give Back Engine 41” committee was formed by angered activists (see copy of letter below). This was a real community outcry, not like the contrived corporate created tea party of today.
On February 11, 1992, the Borough President of Manhattan at the time, Ruth Messinger, mailed a letter to the First Deputy Mayor Norman Steisel, protesting the closing of Engine 26 in Manhattan (See copy below). With the community pressuring the Borough President to stop these firehouse closings, she wrote another letter to the Deputy Mayor on February 28, 1992. This letter was protesting the Mayor’s closing of the Manhattan Office of the Bureau of Fire Investigation (see below copy). This office was charged with investigating arson in Manhattan. As the letter warned, “in 1991, more children died in arson fires in New York City than were killed by stray bullets.” Bill de Blasio was the good soldier of the Mayor’s firehouse closing team and was assigned to justify the closures and respond to these letters protesting the closing of the fire department commands. The response letter coldly stated that the fire department facility closings will save “over $2.4 million over five years” in the city’s budget. This approximate $400,000 a year in savings was a small price to pay given the amount of children who died each year as a result of arson. When de Blasio was assigned to respond to these firehouse closures, he did not react like a Sandinista. De Blasio obediently followed orders (see internal assignment order memo below). A Sandinista would have resigned in protest, however, de Blasio just followed authority.
By 2003, City Council candidate de Balsio would hone his Sandinista image by protesting the firehouse closure of Engine 204 in Brooklyn. The reaction was a stark reversal of de Blasio’s 1992 position and it appears he was exploiting September 11 for political gain. For after 9-11, the NYC Police Department and Fire Department were worshipped for their heroism during the terrorist attacks. (Many of my co-workers in the Police Department still suffer from the physical and psychological effects of working at ground zero.) In 2003, de Blasio would go so far as to get arrested during a protest of this closure which was executed by the Bloomberg administration. This historical analysis, exposes de Blasio as an opportunist. When he was given orders to support the firehouse closures, he did what he was told. In contrast, when he was running for office he opposed the fire command closings.
As I stated earlier, working families in this country crave a CHE GUEVERA type to challenge the corporate controlled federal, state and local governments. However, de Blasio is not the Sandinista that he portrays to be. The greatest leaders in recent history like Martin Luther King, Angela Davis and Noam Chomsky were largely either ridiculed or ignored by the nation’s corporate media monopoly. These leaders placed their lives on the line and truly lived with the revolutionary Sandinista spirit. Abraham Lincoln recognized how political authority can change an individual. Lincoln said, "if you want to see a person’s true character, give him some power." Bloomberg, Obama and de Blasio have no character.